Bondwell |
-No Replicas, counterfeit items, and imitations. -Amazing new way to clean your technology - removes dust, hairs and germs through a rubber-based gel compound that absorbs the dirt off your device -Gently press it on and peel it back to reveal how it absorbs the dirt and grime off your device
-Safe on LCD surface -For Flat Panel displays -Non-aerosol cleaner -Soft lint-free microfiber cloth -Pleasant fragrance
- Unique solution easily removes dirt, dust, and stubborn fingerprints - Compatible Devices : Laptops , Mobiles , LCD , LED , Computers , TV - Keep Clean your Laptop Screen, LCD Screen and Enjoy your work.
-Application Scope: Display, Tablet PC screen, keyboard, mobile phones, CD etc. Function: cleaning stains -Storage: normal temperature storage
- Model number: KCL-1015 - LCD ,LED and plasma screen cleaning kit - Provides streak-free screen for all lcd,led,plasma,crt & projection televisions,computer monitors,laptops,tablet,cell phones,mp3/4 players,camera len,gps screen and many other electronics devices.
-Dust-Air 400ml Compressed Air Duster -High pressure dust remover for use with delicate instruments, computer equipment and more. All cans come with an extension straw for the hard-to-reach places. Uses a trigger mechanism for easier spray bursts. -Compressed gas to remove dust, debris and dirt from hard-to-reach areas. Optional extension tube straw included. -Aerosol duster for use in...